Dear Charles Bukowski,
     Your writing technique is unmarred in every aspect and I've become extremely fond of it. The languidness of your poems make them all the more intriguing to read. I also like how you add more emphasis on your thoughts, feelings and actions by using profanity. Most would dislike how you express yourself so freely, but I, for one, love how you keep my eyes glued to each page, wondering what you're going to say next. 
     You're so unpredictable and fearless with your words. I can go from reading a poem about the tender love for a woman's legs, to a poem about cats' balls! I appreciate your poems because I can relate to them. My favorite poem so far has been "inverted love song." This poem is three stanzas of raw emotion. You make me feel every word in the pit of my heart just by the way you started it off. "I could scream down 90 mountains to less than dust if only one living human had eyes in the head and heart in the body." I can relate to this first sentence because I often wonder why people think with their heart and not their head; and why people love with their head and not their hearts. So of course, I would shout out with all of my strength if I also found a person who loves and thinks the way I do. 
     I do have one question so far: Who is Chinaski? Are you supposed to be Chinaski? This confuses me a bit that I am not familiar with the only reoccurring character. You'll probably explain it later on throughout your poems. Anyways, I just wanted to praise you a little for making my reading assignment, for my literature class, quite enjoyable. Thanks.
                                                                  Ila Wilborn